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Retirement solutions


Milliman data & insights solutions

Data & insights

Retirement Expectations and Spending Profiles (ESP)

Milliman Goals Based Advice Platform

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Milliman data & insights


Analysis: Retirees’ spending falls faster than expected into old age

The financial services industry may have underestimated the dramatic falloff in retiree spending as retirees age, according to a Milliman analysis of real-world expenditure data.


Research: Falling retirement spend driven by behaviour, not declining income

Retirees’ age is just as strong an indicator of behaviour as income level.


Surprising new research reveals the majority of Australian retirees spend less than the Government Age Pension

More than half of Australian retirees are spending less than the Age Pension each year, raising significant questions about current retirement policy and super fund strategies, according to new research.

Resource Card Placeholder

Member outcomes: Know thy fund

How do you produce a business plan, or compare your fund to another, without first knowing whether a fund stands on its own two feet for its own members?

We’re here to help